Wednesday, June 20th
--->moderate 1000m row (3:58) warm up--->muscle up progression
1. bench press (5x2)
--225#, 245#, 265#, 285#, 300#
2. strict press (find 5RM)
--135#, 155#, 170#, 175#
3. strict press (3x5 @ 90% 5RM)
--155# x 3sets
--15 x :20 sprint, :40 rest
--distance: 5 laps around gym building
Thursday, June 21st
REST DAYFriday, June 22nd
Workout #1--->5min airdyne warm up
--->conjugate (week 1, day 3)
1. bench press (4x10)
***skip due to tight shoulders***
2. d.b. incline bench press (4x10)
--55#, 65#, 70#, 75#
3. bent over fly (2x10, 2x15)
--25#, 35#, 30#, 30#
4. uneven push ups (4 x failure) **on 4# med ball**
--23 (l arm on ball), 17 (r arm), 20 (l), 15 (r)
--->hatch (week 1, day 2)
1. back squat (1RM: 415#)
a. 1x10 @ 60%: 250#
b. 1x8 @ 65%: 270#
c. 1x8 @ 70%: 290#
d. 1x8 @ 75%: 315#
2. front squat (1RM: 345#)
a. 1x5 @ 60%: 210#
b. 1x5 @ 65%: 225#
c. 2x5 @ 70%: 245#
--->5min airdyne cool down
----------3 hour break----------
Workout #2
--->2000m row warm up
--->"strongman" conditioning
1. stone carry (116#, 142#, 173#)
2. 50' kb walk (1.5 pood)
3. 10 sand bag clean and jerk (115#)
Time: 10:57
--->muscle up work/progression
Saturday, June 23rd
--->mobility warm up--->conditioning
1. 8min amrap
a. 3 muscle ups
b. 7 kb swings (2.5 pood)
c. 10 alternating pistols
--5R + 11reps
2. 7min amrap
a. 5 snatches (155#)
b. 10 bar-facing burpees
--4R + 8reps
3. 6min amrap
a. 8 ball slams (50#)
b. 6 box jumps (34")
c. 4 hspu
--5R + 10reps
4. 5min amrap
--205# ladder
a. push press
b. back squat
--5R + 2reps
Sunday, June 24th
REST DAYMonday, June 25th
--->5min airdyne warm up--->5min airdyne (:20 hard, :20 easy)
--->conjugate (week 2, day 1)
1. seated military press (2x10, 2x8)
--115#, 125#, 130#, 130#
2. front d.b. raise (2x10, 2x8)
--30#, 30#, 35#, 35#
3. lateral cable raise (2x12, 2x15)
--15#, 20#, 15#, 15#
4. neutral machine press (2x12, 2x15)
--125#, 125#, 130#, 130#
--->hatch (week 2, day 1)
1. back squat
a. 1x10 @ 60%: 250#
b. 1x8 @ 65%: 270#
c. 1x6 @ 70%: 290#
d. 1x6 @ 75%: 315#
e. 1x6 @ 80%: 335#
2. front squat
a. 1x5 @ 60%: 210#
b. 1x5 @ 70%: 245#
c. 2x5 @ 75%: 260#
--->running conditioning
--football field sprint ladder
--10yd line + back.......goal line + back
--rest is partner's (Karrie) turn
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