Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Tuesday January 31, 2017

Afternoon Session (4:00pm) 
1. for time:
     21-18-15-12-9-6-3 thrusters (95)
       7--6--5--4--3--2-1 ring muscle ups
     (40 double unders after each round)

2. 4x3 jerk in split (pause in split) @ 60%
     (every 90-seconds)
3. Jerk dip + Jerk -- work to heavy single in 12 minutes

4. Accumulate 4-minutes in handstand (against wall or freestanding)
5. 8 sets of: 10-second hold bottom of kip + 10-second hold top of kip
6. 20 deficit kipping handstand push ups
     (rest 1-minute)
     x3 sets



Monday, January 30, 2017

Monday January 30, 2017

Afternoon Session (4:00pm) 
1. every minute for 4 minutes -- 2 hip cleans + 2 front squats @ 65-75%
2. 12 minutes to heavy complex of -- 1 clean pull + 1 hang clean below the knee
3. for time -- 30 front squats (275) (from the floor)

4. 3 sets of -- 6 kips on the bar + 5-second hollow hold on bar + 5-second arch hold on bar
5. 5 rounds of -- 200ft shuttle (4x50ft) + 12 unbroken chest to bar pull ups

6. Rowing Session
    6 sets of: 
     * 375m @ gear 2 (10k pace -- ~ 1:50) 
     * 125m @ gear 6 (500m pace -- ~1:24/1:25) 
    (rest walk 3-minutes) 

1. 220, 220, 230, 230 
2. 330 (185, 225, 255, 285, 305, 320 prior sets)
3. 3:29 (10, 8, 7, 5)
4. done 
5. 3:29 
6. 1:44.00, 1:43.80, 1:43.90, 1:44.00, 1:43.30, 1:43.20 

-- overall, decent lifting day. pull felt a little weak on the clean complex and but was able to hit some decent weight. just tried to maintain that good position (or at least best I could) 
-- front squats were pretty tasty. just wasn't quite sure how to attack the reps, but I think I went about it just right for the day. 
-- rowing was good. was a little worried about how it would go before starting, but was able to really get things going and hit all the pacing. 
-- finished with the shuttles and chest to bars, and the pulling was just a little tougher following the rowing. I think I pulled a little too much with my arms on some of the sets.    

Sunday January 29, 2017

Active Recovery (4:45pm)
amrap 30-minutes @ easy effort
   500m row
   20 back squats (empty barbell)
   .5 mile assault bike
   20 alternating single-arm seated DB press (40lbs, 10 each/arm)
   30-second elbow plank hold

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Saturday January 28, 2017

Morning Session (10:00am)
1. 20-minute AMRAP of: (11.5)
     5 power cleans (145)
   10 toes to bar
   15 wall balls (20)

2. 3 sets of:
     4 strict hollow ring pull ups + 10-second l-sit hold
3. 8 sets of:
     1 strict l-sit muscle up + 1 strict muscle up

1. 13+2 
2. done 
3. done

-- amrap went pretty well. was at 7 rounds halfway through and faded a bit. unbroken toes to bar and wall balls. went out at the pace I wanted and just didn't quite hold as well as I was hoping. Still met the goal (13 rounds) but I think deep into the 14th round was possible. 

Afternoon Session (3:30pm) 
1. 5 sets of:
      40-seconds of double unders
      20-seconds rest

2. 4 sets of:
      2-minute AMRAP
         10 calorie row
           6 burpee box overs (24)
         max rep deadlifts (225) in remaining time
      (rest 2-minutes)
      (looking for consistency across the 4 sets -- get better each set if possible)

1. 66, 67, 67, 66, 67
2. 22, 23, 25, 27

-- double unders were all unbroken. just putting work in to just relax as much as possible on them, saving the shoulders and keeping heart rate down for the other exercises within the workout.  
-- consistency over the sets was met, wanted to get 100 total throughout the 4 sets but just didn't have that in me the last couple of sets. possibly could have started off with more in sets 1 and 2, but not sure how that would have played into 3 and 4. overall, happy with how deadlifts felt for the most part.  

Friday, January 27, 2017

Friday January 27, 2017

Afternoon Session 
1. jerk grip duck walk (3x 40ft)
2. Clean and Jerk
     EMOM x 9 minutes
        min 1-3) 3 reps
        min 4-6) 2 reps
        min 7-9) 1 rep
     (increasing weight each set)
3. 4 sets of: 2 clean pull + 1 hang pull @ 90-100% of best clean

4. 11.6/12.5:
     7-minute amrap of:
       3-6-9-12-etc of:
        thrusters (100)
        chest to bar pull ups

5. 5 rounds, not for time, of:
     20 alternating bird dogs (keep back flat)
     12 ghd sit ups
     20ft forward crawl
     20ft backward crawl

1. 45, 45, 75
2. 135, 185, 225, 245, 265, 275, 295, 305, 315 (F jerk)
3. 310, 320, 330, 340
4. 15 thrusters into round of 21
5. done 

-- went too heavy on the CJ too quickly. but that happens. was decently tired for that last rep, and just rushed the jerk and it was poor technique. just not a good mixture. 
-- conditioning went okay. tried to just stick with some good sets. could have held on to the thrusters may be a bit better at the time but didn't 
-- good core finisher. the crawls with keeping back parallel with the floor are definitely much tastier than a regular bear crawl.  

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Thursday January 26, 2017

Evening Session 
1. Assault Bike
     5-minute warm up
     6 rounds:
        3-minutes @ gear 3 (66-70rpm)
        1-minute @ gear 0 (just move)
     5-minute cool down

2. 9-minutes to build to a 4-RM front squat
3. 3x4 front squat @ 85% of part 2

4. 3x8 perfect, tight hollow-arch swings (on the rings)
5. for time:
       unbroken ring muscle ups

1. done (66-67 for most of the gear 3 intervals) 
2. 355 
3. done @ 300
4. done 
5. 13:24 (ouch)

-- assault bike work was good -- tried to just stay focused on one 3-minute interval at a time, just breathe and work. the rpm's were pretty hard but nothing where I didn't think I could sustain it throughout. 
-- front squats hit the goal. wanted 355 and hit that. was a tough set, knees came in on that 4th rep for sure but pressed them back to good position and never hit a stalling point throughout the rep. 
-- muscle up workout was tough -- shoulders were blown up. need to keep working on those plus the combo with double unders just always gives me fits. double unders need to stay more relaxed.  

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Tuesday January 24, 2017

Afternoon Session 
1. Community Workout
        wall balls (30)
        chest to bar pull ups
    ** 5 handstand push ups after each round **

2. behind the neck jerk in split (pause in split) (every 90sec)
     (4x3 @ 65%)
3. front squat + jerk -- 12 minutes to work to a heavy complex

4. Open Style
       3 rounds: 3 STO (225) + 1 legless rope climbs
       3 rounds: 6 STO (225) + 2 legless rope climbs
     (add 3 STO and 1 legless rope climb each round every 3 minutes until failure)

5. 5 rounds
     20 air squats
     40ft handstand walk
     30-second elbow plank hold

1. 6:59
2. 220 (across) 
3. 335 
4. finished 3 rounds of 6+2 in 5:51 (stopped there) 
5. done (steady pace, not for time) 

-- community workout was a quick little burner. nothing ever was super challenging but the whole piece together was tough. just had to keep moving from set to set as best you could. 
-- jerks went pretty well today. first time hitting 335 on any kind of jerk in a little while. missed first attempt at 315 as I threw it forward, then hit 315 and hit 335. 
-- the 3-minute block workout was good. took the STO from the rack. just tried to stay consistent. got through that second block with a little time to spare but felt I had done enough STO for the day so the next block wasn't needed. 
-- core/skill work was a good way to finish the day. wasn't timing it, but probably took somewhere between 8-10 minutes or so. 


Monday, January 23, 2017

Monday January 23, 2017

Afternoon Session (4:00pm) 
1. 4 sets of: 3 snatch push press + 1 overhead squat @ 90% of best snatch
2. 12 minutes to a heavy: 1 snatch pull + 1 snatch + 1 overhead squat

3. Open Style:
     0:00-3:00 -- 3 rounds of: 3 power snatch (185), 3 muscle ups
     3:00-6:00 -- 3 rounds of: 5 power snatch (185), 5 muscle ups
    (continue to add 2 reps each 3-minute block until failure to finish in time limit)

4. 5-minute tabata of:
     odd intervals) 6 hollow-arch swings + 5-sec arch hold
     even intervals) 6 hollow-arch swings + 5-sec hollow hold
5. every 30-seconds for 8-minutes:
     5 ctb pull ups

6. 90-second amrap of:
     16-calorie row
     max reps burpees in remaining time
     (rest 90-seconds)
     x7 sets
   (rest 2-minutes)
     steady-state row until clock hits 30-minutes

1. done @ 250
2. 260
3. finished 3 snatches in the third round of 5
4. done
5. done
6. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20 burpees 

-- weightlifting went well today. was happy to hit 260 on the complex. that makes 2 snatch days in a row of hitting around 95% for the lift, this time in a complex. need to keep focusing on speed under the bar and catching in a good, solid position. 
-- chest to bars were pretty on point today. now just need to transfer that over to when I am nice and tired in a workout. 
-- rowing and burpee goal was about getting better as the workout went on. increasing output each round, never red lining it but working on pacing and movement patterns. goal was hit pretty well. 

Saturday January 21, 2017

Mid-Morning Session (10:00am) 
1. 4 sets of:
     10-second hollow hold + 2 strict hollow ring pull ups + 5 hollow-arch kips
2. 3 sets (every 5-minutes)
     max unbroken ring muscle ups

3. EMOM for 16 minutes
     1. 20 GHD sit ups
     2. 60 unbroken double unders
     3. 20 alternating pistols
     4. rest

4. 5 sets of: 750m row ( keep around 2k PR pace) 
     (rest 2 minutes between)

Evening Session (6:00pm) 
1. 4 sets (each for time)
     9-6-3 of:
      deadlift (405, 365, 315, 250)
      ctb pull ups

1. done 
2. 15-9-7
3. done
4. 2:29.10, 2:33.10, 2:32.90, 2:32.40, 2:30.90
1. 2:22, 2:03, 1:41, 1:27

-- muscle ups felt decent today. technique just fell off once I started to fatigue through the sets. need to keep working on staying tight. 
-- rowing was tough today. wasn't able to keep everything to the 2k PR pace, so backed it off a bit and got faster over the last 4 sets. 
-- evening session intervals were heavy. all sets unbroken, which was a big positive. heavy deadlifts and high rep deadlifts have always been an issue, so a good workout for me to me.  

Friday January 20, 2017

Active Recovery (4:30pm) 
EMOM for 30 minutes
1. 15 calorie row
2. 15 calorie assault bike
3. mobility

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Thursday January 19, 2017

Evening Session (5:00pm) 
1. push press + TnG power jerk + TnG split jerk (5x 1+1+1 @ 50%) (every 60-seconds)
2. clean pull + clean + jerk
    (50/3, 60/3, 70/3, 75/2, 80/2)
3. clean + jerk
    (4x1 @ 85-95%)
4. clean pull (pause 5-seconds @ knee)
    (4x1 @ 100+%)

5. 3 sets of: 10-second hollow hold + 10 tight hollow-arch kips
6. 7 sets of: 10 chest to bar pull ups + 20ft handstand walk (rest 60-seconds)

7. 3 sets of:
      4-minute amrap of:
        15 unbroken overhead squats (95)
        10 bar facing burpees
        max cals rowing in remaining time
      (rest 4-minutes between sets)

1. 170, across 
2. 170, 200, 235, 250, 270
3. 285, 295, 305, 320 (missed jerk twice) 
4. 335, across
5. done
6. done (23-25 seconds each set) 
7. 8 cals, 9 cals, 13 cals. 

-- legs were tired today. body was pretty tired today. jerks at 320 just were off technically. clean and jerks felt good technically until 320 and then jerk sucked. 
-- mentally didn't want to hit the ctbpu and hs walks after the amraps, but I am glad I did. was some good work and focused on a few different things.   

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Wednesday January 18, 2017

Evening Session (4:30pm) 
1. 4x5 behind the neck jerk balance (every 90sec) @ 50-60%
2. 5x 1 front squat + 1 jerk (working up to 90% of complex from 2 weeks ago)

3. 6-minute amrap of:
      15 shoulder to overhead (115)
      10 toes to bar
    (rest 6 minutes)
    6-minute amrap of:
      15 shoulder to overhead (75)
      10 toes to bar
(rest 7 minutes)
4. 10-minute amrap of:
      2 strict muscle ups
    12 deadlifts (155)
    15 box jump overs (24)
(rest 5 minutes)
5. alternating tabata (8 sets each) of:
     ring muscle ups
     rowing for calories

6. 3x5 single-arm (each arm) ring row

1. 170, 175, 180, 185
2. 135, 185, 225, 265, 295 
3. 5+20
4. 5+14 
5. 27 muscle ups
    60 calories 
6. done

-- decent day overall. the mash up of the conditionings got pretty gnarly towards the end. lots of reps on sto and ttb to kick everything off. tried to stay unbroken on both movement in amrap #1, and then broke up the toes to bar on amrap #2 to see the difference. clearly a lighter barbell on #2, which I could move through much quicker, but breaking up the sets and reps made it easier mentally to go right to the bar eventually after a few rounds. 
-- strict muscle ups went pretty well. definitely a bit different hitting them with an increased heart rate. 
-- tabata was rough. just consistent moving. muscle ups were 6 and then 3's. rowing was 1200+/hr the whole time. made myself get right on the rower. didn't hop up to the rings right away after the first few sets, which is the only place I think things could have improved.

Tuesday January 17, 2017

Evening Session (4:30pm) 
1. tall snatch (4x5 @ 40-50%) (every 90sec)
2. snatch -- 60/6, 70/5, 75/4, 80/3, 85/2, 90/1, 95/1, 80/3
3. for time:
     20-10-5 of:
       power snatch (135, 155, 185)
       chest to bar pull ups
    (12-minute steady pace airdyne immediately after) 

4. 3x5 single-arm DB strict press (3-second hold at the top of each rep)

5. 6-minute amrap of:
      10-calorie row
      2-4-6-etc strict handstand push up
   (12-minute steady pace airdyne immediately after)

1. 115, 125, 135, 140
2. 165, 195, 210, 220, 235, 250, 260, 220 (no misses) 
3. 5:58 
4. 25, 35, 45
5. 3 calories after 12 hspu

-- snatches actually felt good today. body was not feeling very good during the day but the lifting went well. worked up to 260 with no misses and 260 felt solid. 
-- conditionings went okay. nothing great. just tried to consistently move and not take huge breaks. 
-- tried to just shake out the previous day of travel and weird sleep with this session. almost perfect volume amount.  

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Wednesday January 11, 2017

Afternoon-Evening Session
1. Front Squats -- 7x4 @ 75% (every 90-seconds)
2. seated single-arm db/kb press -- 4x5 (each arm)

3. Assault Bike intervals:
     a. 5-minute warm up
     b. 6 rounds of:
           15-seconds @ gear 6 (85+ RPM)
           1:00 @ gear 2 (60-64 RPM)
           15-seconds @ gear 6 (85+ RPM)
           2:00 @ gear 0 (anything over stopping pedaling)
     c. 5-minute cool down

4. for time -- 50 handstand push ups (every break = 12 6" target burpees)




Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Tuesday January 10, 2017

Evening Session 
1. push press -- 9 minutes to find a 3RM
2. behind the neck jerk + jerk (2-second pause in split of each movement)
    (12 minutes to work to a heavy complex)

3. 5 sets of: 30ft handstand walk (every 10ft stop and hold for :05 -- any drop- 5 burpees on the spot)
4. 4 sets of:
       5-sec hollow hold + 5-sec hollow @ 90 degrees + 5-sec hollow w/ chin over bar + 5 kips
5. EMOM x 6 -- 10 chest to bar pulls w/ boxes 20" in front and in back

6. 5 sets of:
     20-calorie row
     (rest 1:1)
     75 unbroken double unders
     (rest 1:1)
     12 chest to bar pull ups
     (rest 1:1)

1. 255 (failed 3rd rep @ 270) 
2. 305 (split may not have been a full 2-seconds on the jerk....)
3. done (used 30ft as that was all the room we had) 
4. done
5. done (accidentally had one of the boxes at 12" for 3 sets) 
6. 19:06 total time (1 mess up on dubs) 

1. strength went well. really wanted that 270 third rep, but fell short about halfway up. didn't really get the greatest drive into the rep. Jerks went okay. need to land with a better split with the BTN jerks (back leg is too straight). way better bar positioning on the BTN than usual though. 
2. gymnastics were decent. the holds went well and then kips were mediocre at best after watching the video -- was getting way too extended. 
3. conditioning was a good session -- messed up on double unders once. after watching video, need to stay more loose and relaxed on double unders -- was too stiff. 


Monday, January 9, 2017

Monday January 9, 2017

Evening Session 
1. 4x5 press in clean (rest 90-seconds)
    (work as heavy as possible)
2. clean pull + clean + front squat (every 90-seconds)
    (4 sets of 1+1+1 @ 90% of last week's heaviest set)
3. for time:
    9 clean and jerk (225)
     (rest 2:1)
    6 clean and jerk (225)
     (rest 2:1)
    3 clean and jerk (225)

4. 30 seated strict straight arm press down
5. 6 sets of: 3 reps of 1 hollow-arch kip + 1 ring muscle up

6. WZA prep
     for time:
         thrusters (135)
         chest to bar pull ups
        45 calorie assault bike

1. 75, 85, 95, 115
2. done @ 305 
3. :42 (5, 4x1), :25 (3, 3x1), :09 (3)
4. done w/ 2x blue bands 
5. done 
6. 7:58 (4:47 heavy Fran, ~2:50 bike once I got it moving)

1. weightlifting felt pretty good. warmed up quickly to 305 and hit the sets. usually don't make huge jumps, but wanted to today to change it up plus to move through it at a quicker pace. 
2. barbell cycling went alright. wanted to be able to hit 9 unbroken on that first set but positioning wasn't there. better positioning on that first set will allow for more reps unbroken. also wasn't sure how the legs and heart rate would feel for the sets after that. if I do have to drop the bar, need to get right back on it. no huge breaks. 
3. heavy fran plus the assault bike was rough and will be rough at WZA. no joking around with that workout. 
4. I was swinging A LOT on the rings tonight. the body connection between the muscle up and then just the kip wasn't right. last set I actually hit way better, but took a bit to get a good feel for the control.


Saturday January 7, 2017

Mid-Morning Session 
1. 5 rounds, each for time, of:
     15 calorie airdyne
       6 deadlifts (405)
     20 ghd sit ups
    (rest 1:1)

2. 2-minute foam roll t-spine
3. 2-minute dead hang on rings

4. 6 sets of:
     max strict ring muscle ups
     100ft walk rest after each set

5. 8,000m row
     -- broken up into 1000m increments
     -- first 1000m second fastest, then gradually slower each increment until last 1000m
     -- last 1000m should be fastest

1. 2:03, 2:00, 1:59, 1:58, 1:50 
2. done 
3. done 
4. 2-3-3-2-3-3 (16 total reps) 
5. 1:54.90 first 1000m, slower by .2-.3 seconds each 1000m, and then 1:54.00 last 1000m 

-- Overall good day. intervals went well. unbroken deadlifts. first rep felt heavy but then actually got better as the reps went along. happy with that after some lower back discomfort the past couple of months. 
-- strict MU went okay. should have been at least 3 each set. the first set my hand slipped out of false grip after 2 reps and the third rep just wasn't happening in that hand position 
-- rowing was a solid end to the session -- getting back to the comfort on the rower for longer ranges of time. will come in handy once shorter rows start coming in plus for longer conditioning pieces.  

Friday, January 6, 2017

Friday January 6, 2017

Evening Session 
1. snatch grip good morning straight into snatch grip push press (5x5) (work up as comfortable)
2. snatch (emom x8 minutes) -- 2 snatches (not touch and go) @ 75-85%
3. snatch pull to explode + 6-second lower (6x1 @ 100%)
4. 4 x 4-minute window (if you finish window before 4:00, move on to the next)
     20 alternating pistols
     50 double unders
     snatches -- 15 @ 145, 13 @ 175, 11 @ 215, 9 @ 245
5. 4 sets of: 4 hollow rocks + 4 v-ups
6. in sets of 5 -- 40 bar muscle ups (AFAP)

1. 95, 105, 115, 125, 135
2. 205, 210, 215, 220, 225, 230, 235, 235
3. done @ 275
4. finished 7 snatches @ 245 in the 16-minute time window
5. done 
6. 4:59

-- overall good day. snatches felt pretty good. the snatches in the conditioning piece went very well. felt pretty fast under the bar, even after all the other work. hit the 7 reps @ 245 under 2-minutes. 
-- bar muscle ups went okay. stayed consistent but kip could have been better.  

Thursday January 5, 2017

Active Recovery Evening 
1. Treatment
2. workout session
     5-minute easy bike
     4 steady rounds of
        600m row
        15 inch worms
        12 goblet squats (40)
        10 RDL w/ plate (45)
     5-minute easy bike

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Wednesday January 4, 2017

1. 1 + 1/4 front squats (emom)
     -- minutes 1-4 -- 2 reps (building)
     -- minutes 5-8 -- 1 rep (building)
2. 5 sets of:
     100ft walking lunge
     15 GHD hips extensions (use glutes, not lower back)
3. 4 minute tabata of: hollow-arch kip (on rings)
4. 5-minute death by: burpee ring muscle up
    (rest 2-minutes)
5. amrap 10:00 of:
     10 ctbpu
     10 hang clean and jerk (95, 135, 165, 185, 205, 225)
     -- if you make it to 225, that set is max reps for the remaining time
6. for time:
     40 ghd sit ups
     3 rounds: 50ft forward bear crawl, 50ft backward crawl, 50ft left crawl, 50ft right crawl
     40 ghd sit ups

1. doubles up to 315, singles up to 355 
2. done 
3. done (9-11 each interval) 
4. done 
5. 6 hang clean and jerk @ 205 
6. done (did not time it) 

-- squats felt pretty good. starting to get back into the swing of them. got a little loose in the core on the last rep but overall pretty solid. 
-- lunges and hip extensions were good accessory, really used that backside. 
-- burpee muscle ups were decent. I was getting a good feel thru the transition, so hope to apply that to regular muscle ups 
-- amrap was tough. hang clean and jerk was a little different and grip was a limiter on the heavier weights. actually hit singles at 205 just to move through the reps at a better pace. 
-- this core accessory was tough. just tried to keep moving on the crawling. shoulders and core nice and tired after this. 

Tuesday January 3, 2017

1. 5x3 toe jerk @ 35-45%.
2. 12-minutes to find a heavy 1-rep of: front squat + jerk
3. amrap 8:00 of:
     30 shoulder to overhead (135) (from a rack)
     25 double unders
     20 shoulder to overhead (185)
     50 double unders
     10 shoulder to overhead (225)
     75 double unders
       5 shoulder to overhead (250)
    100 double unders
    max rep shoulder to overhead (275)
4. 5 sets of: 50ft zig zag handstand walk
5. 3 sets of: 100ft jerk grip OH carry + 5 jerk grip overhead squats
6. amrap 7:00 of:
     15 box jumps overs (24)
     12 kb swings (70)
       9 strict handstand push ups
    (rest 5 minutes)
    10 sets -- 20sec bike sprint, 60sec bike easy
7. 3 sets of: 60-sec elbow plank, 60-sec rest

1. 120, 135, 140, 145, 150
2. 325 (no fails) 
3. 11 double unders into set of 100
4. done 
5. done (115, 135, 155) 
6. 3+30, done (sprints = 400-500) 
7. done 

-- another day with a lot of lifting reps. front squat + jerks felt pretty good. worked up to 325. really thought about giving 340 a go but knew I had a lot of work left ahead of me and wanted to keep some in me. 
-- the amrap ladder got tough. the shoulder to overhead @ 185 and on were rough. tried to break it into sets I could maintain limited rest and still hit some good sets. 
-- movement went fine. some fun little exercises to work with. need to keep focusing on staying tight with my handstand walks, and overhead carry tried to keep core as tight as I possible and no rib flair. 
-- amrap + airdyne was good. shoulders were smoked for the amrap, so strict hspu were harder than usual. 
-- did the plank work but had to take out max rep hspu as my shoulders were smoked and the session had run a little long already, even with limited breaks between each piece.  

Monday January 2, 2017

Morning Work
1. 3x10 hollow-arch kips
2. 100 chest to bar pull ups, for time
3. running workout
    400m power and grace warm up
    5 sets of: 200m @ gear 1, 200m @ gear 5
     (no rest between 200's, rest 15-seconds between sets)

Evening Work 
1. 4 sets of 5 -- dumbbell jerk grip overhead squats
2. 12-minutes to find a 1RM of: clean pull + clean + front squat
3. amrap in 12-minutes of:
     30 cleans (power or full) (135)
     30 ring dips
     20 cleans (185)
     20 ring dips
     10 cleans (225)
     10 ring dips
       5 cleans (275)
       5 ring dips
      max rep cleans (315)

1. done 
2. 4:58
3. done (41, 39, 39, 39, 39)
1. done (15, 20, 25, 30) 
2. hit 335 (failed clean @ 350) 
3. got thru the round of 5 ring dips 

-- morning work was just not good. chest to bars felt awful. didn't get the body properly warm for it, and it showed. wasn't snappy at all and lots of pulling with the arms. 
-- running went fine -- done down @ DTO. was a good way to get the body going in the early morning. 
-- clean complex went okay. wanted to hit 350 but didn't happen. the pull on the clean felt weak and landed in a poor position. need to keep working on getting that back up. 
-- amrap was pretty nasty -- just lots of reps. all power cleans, which was good. 315 would have felt real heavy.  

Saturday December 31, 2016

1. 10 skin the cats (stay very tight)
2. every 40-seconds x 10 sets -- 2 strict muscle ups
3. 10-minutes to work to a 1rm fat bar deadlift w/ 10-second pull
4. amrap 7:00 of: 5 deadlifts (315), 10 box jump overs (30), 100ft shuttle (4x 25ft)
5. death by: clapping kip + bar MU
6. assault bike
    5-minute warm up
    6 sets of: 2:00 gear 1, 1:00 gear 4
    5-minute cool down

1. done 
2. done 
3. 260 
4. 7 rounds 
5. stopped after 5
6. done (gear 1 = 52-55, gear 4 = 72-75) 

-- the 10-second pull on the fat bar got tough to hang on and lock out at the last weight. really had to fight to lock it out once the grip was pretty smoked. 
-- strict MU went well. was able to hold 2 the whole time. just need to keep focusing on staying tight with those. 
-- amrap was pretty tough. step down on the box jumps. not willing to risk any injury bounding those. 
-- assault bike later in the evening went well. just some good work to fire up the legs and lungs.   

Friday December 30, 2016

1. Push press + power jerk + jerk -- 4x 1+1+1 @ 50% of best jerk
2. Clean + Jerk (every 90sec) -- 7x1 @ 80+%
3. Clean pull to explode + hang clean pull -- 4x 1+1 @ 100-105% of CJ
4. 20 hollow rocks
5. Open Workout 12.4/13.3
     12:00 AMRAP of: 150 wall balls (20), 90 double unders, 30 ring muscle ups

1. done @ 170 
2. 325 (hit clean but did not attempt jerk @ 340) 
3. done @ 335
4. done
5. 27 muscle ups (was locking out 28th dip at buzzer) 

1. jerk felt better today. cleans were feeling a little weak, but that will start to come back the more I start squatting and hitting heavier lifts again. 
2. felt okay for the conditioning. the lifting took some out of the legs, but paced things pretty well I feel like. wall balls were in 5 sets, dubs unbroken, the muscle ups were triples and doubles.