Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Tuesday, August 28th:

--->barbell gymnastics:
      1. vertical snatch off high boxes (at hip)
          --heavy, but perfect (not maximal), rest 60sec
          --7x2: 145, 160, 170, 180, 185, 195, 200
      1. back squats (@ 100% 3RM: 390#)
          --3x2, 2x1, rest 2min
      2. front squats (@ 75% 1RM: 275#)
          --3x5 (3sec pause on the 1st and 5th reps)
          --rest 90sec
      --every 90sec for 15min (10 total rounds)
          1. 30 double unders
          2. 10 pull ups
          3. 3 ground to overhead (205#)
              **use any weight you want for gr to oh
              **may take weight off, may not add weight
          --7 rounds within round time limit
          --10 rounds completed in 16:53

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Heavy Volume

Monday, August 27th:

--->barbell gymnastics
      1. 1 snatch (from floor) + 1 hang snatch (just above knees)
          --EMOtM for 7min @ 85% (215#)
      --------------------------Rest 2 minutes----------------------------
      2. snatch (heavy singles), rest 2min
          --no more than 3 misses allowed (no misses)
          --1x1 @ 90% (230#), 1x1 @ 95% (240#), 1x1 @ 90% (230#)
      3. 1 clean (from floor) + 1 hang clean (just above knees) + 1 jerk
          --EMOtM for 7min @ 80% (245#)
      --------------------------Rest 2 minutes----------------------------
      4. clean and jerk (heavy singles), rest 2min
          --no more than 3 misses allowed (no misses)
          --3x1 @ 90% (275#)
      1a. weighted strict pull ups (heaviest possible, rest 60sec)
          --use weight that allows for at least 3-4 unbroken
          --3x8: 10#, 20#, 30#
      1b. shoulder press (heaviest possible, rest 60sec)
          --3x8: 135#, 155#, 170#
      --Run 20 minutes
          --hard effort, record distance

Sunday, August 26th:

---------REST DAY----------

Saturday, August 25th:

--->Sioux Falls Partner (1 guy, 1 girl) Throwdown
      event #1: 1RM "bear complex" (T1st)
          --245#, 275#, 290#, 305# (c&j PR), 315# (missed jerk x 2)
      event #2: front squat-t2b ladder (2nd)
          --front squat weights: 95#, 115#, 155#, 185#, 205#
          --10min amrap
          --partner hit 1 t2b on 2nd round of 9
      event #3: row, double unders, hspu  (2nd)
          --10min amrap: 1500m row, 150 double unders, 30 hspu
          --my total work: 1548m row, 113 double unders, 24 hspu
          --548m row on 2nd round
      event #4: runs, sled pull
          --200-400-800 (alternate partners at each distance)
          --125m sled pull (as a team) to finish (~225#)
          --winner take all (3rd)

Friday, August 24th:

      1. RDL (replacement for banded deadlifts)
          --7x3, rest 60sec
          --225, 255, 275 x 5
      2. bench press (7x3), rest 60sec
          --70% of 1RM (220#)
      7 rounds, for working time (rest 1:1)
          1. 100m shuttle run (10m sections)
          2. 20 hand release push ups
          3. 10 hang squat clean to thrusters (115#)
          --1:55, 1:55, 2:06, 2:10, 2:06, 2:19, 1:50
--->midline (skipped due to leaving for Sioux Falls)
      1a. weighted strict gh raise (3x10)
      1b. ME l-sit hold (x3 sets)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Its Been a While

Quick Recap of the week so far:

Thursday, August 23rd:


Wednesday, August 22nd:

---> barbell gymnastics
      1. 1 hang power snatch + 1 power snatch (7x1)
          --heaviest possible, touch and go reps
          --155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 205, 210
      2. 2 power cleans + 1 push jerk (7x1)
          --heaviest possible, touch and go reps
          --205, 215, 225, 235, 245, 250, 255
---> strength
      1a. ME muscle ups (3 sets), rest 45sec
          --6, 5, 5
      1b. ME double arm db (55#) snatch (3 sets), rest 45sec
          --12, 10, 13
      1c. reverse hypers (3x10), rest 45sec
          --20#, 20#, 20# (med ball)
      1d. snatch grip behind the neck press (3x5), rest 45sec
          --heavier than last week
          --135, 145, 150

Tuesday, August 21st:

--->barbell gymnastics
      1. snatch off high boxes (just above knee)
          --5x1, heavy but perfect (not maximal), rest 60sec
          --185, 195, 205, 215, 225
      2. clean off high boxes (just above knee)
          --5x1, heavy but perfect (not maximal), rest 60sec
          --255, 275, 295, 305, 315
      1. back squats (5x1 100% 3RM), rest 2min
      2. front squats (3x5), heaviest possible, rest 90sec
          --285, 305, 325
      --3 rounds, for time (10:11)
          1. 10 2-box lateral box jumps (20")
          2. 15 handstand push ups (regional standard)
          3. row 250m

Monday, August 20th:

--->barbell gymnastics
      1. snatch
          --2 reps EMOtM for 7min @ 85% 1RM (215#)
          --rest 2min
          --1 rep @ 95% (240#): achieved on 1st attempt
      2. clean and jerk
          --2 reps EMOtM for 7min @ 82% (240#)
          --rest 2min
          --1 rep @ 92% (270#): achieved on 1st attempt
      1a. 1 snatch grip behind the neck push press + 1 heaving
          snatch balance + 1 OHS (3x3)
          --heaviest possible, rest 60sec
          --155, 155, 165
      1b. flat-footed clean hi-pulls (3x3)
          --heavy, rest 60sec, straps suggested
          --165, 175, 185
      --12min amrap (5 rounds + 50 double unders)
          1. 50 double unders
          2. 7 burpees
             --add 7 burpees every round