Evening Session (5:15pm)
1. warm up
a. rollout pec minor/major
b. rollout lats/rhomboids
c. glute activation with forward + back monster walk
d. primer: 3x DB alternating lat + front raise x8 (each), strict leg raises x10, 50ft HS walk
2. weightlifting
a. muscle snatch + overhead squat (5x3)
b. snatch heavy single in 12 minutes.
(rest 2:00)
c. hang snatch (4x2) every 60sec @ 80% of b
d. snatch pull: 95/3, 98/2, 102/2 (x3 sets)
3. movement
a. spend 3:00 stretching + rolling hamstrings
b. 3x10 perfect H/A kips
c. 6:00 amrap of: sets of 9 unbroken TTB
4. conditioning
a. PG Community workout: 5-4-3-2-1 rope climbs, full clean (225)
b. 4:00 tabata airdyne (rest 2:00) repeat
1. a. done
b. done
c. done
d. done (10lbs on raises)
2. a. 95, 115, 135, 145, 155
b. 265 (135, 155, 175, 195, 215, 230, 245, 255 prior to 265 -- no misses)
c. 215
d. 255, 265, 275 (x3 sets)
3. a. done
b. done
c. 10 sets of 9.
4. a. 4:44
b. 340+ watts, 350+ watts (77 cals)
1. weightlifting felt good today. snatches felt pretty flush, especially for not snatching heavy in quite a while. seemed to staying back and getting under the bar rather well.
2. the sets of ttb were good, lots of reps. tried to keep my kip as tight as possible.
3. the community workout turned into a bicep pump, and the grip definitely got rough. not jumping to start the rope climb makes it just a bit nastier.
4. didn't look at the total cals for airdyne tabata 1, but it was a bit lower than go #2. wanted to stay consistent on those.
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