Morning Session (9:45am)
1. warm up
a. rollout QL muscle, TFL muscle, IT bands
b. rollout lats and tris
c. scap crossover activation
d. primer: 3x 10 alt front/side db raise (5/e), 10 strict leg raise, 50ft hs walk
2. movement
a. 3x5 russian dips (STAY HOLLOW)
b. 5 sets: 1 strict pull up to sternum, 3 H/A kips, 3 MU, 3 dips (w/ towel between feet, on rings)
3. conditioning
a. 6 sets (rest 1:00 between sets)
6 deficit (6") strict hspu
8 tng unbroken full snatch (135)
4. accessory
a. 5 supersets of: 10 fat bar bent over row (full grip -- no monkey grip), 10 towel russian KBS
Afternoon Session (2:30pm)
1. weightlifting
a. every 4:00 x 5 sets
12-9-6 of: deadlift @ 50% of 1-RM, box jumps (24")
Session 1
1. a. done
b. done
c. done
d. done (10's, 15's for the raises)
2. a. done (stacked 24" boxes on 20" boxes)
b. done (towel fell out on sets 1 and 3)
3. a. 43, 42, 45, 44, 47, 51
4. a. 110, 130, 130, 130, 130 (bent over row), 35, 53, 70, 70, 70 (towel KBS)
Session 2
1. a. 218, 213, 210, 210, 207
1. really been taking my time with the warm ups, and they have been helping a lot.
2. that dang towel is always tough on me. need to get better with the reps with the towel.
3. shoulders got smoked with the hspu/snatch. everything unbroken but last rep on hspu on sets 5/6 were a battle, especially the 6th set.
4. the DL/box jump workout was good but hurt, a lot. high rep DL at moderate weight has always been something I need work on, so a good workout for me, just burnt up the back and hammies.
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