Evening Session (5:15pm)
1. snatch balance (every 90sec)
-- 6x3 (work up by feel -- focus is on positions)
2. tall snatch (6x4) -- again, focus is on positions, not weight
3. 3 sets of:
90-second round
15 calorie airdyne
amrap power snatch (115, 135, 155)
(rest 30-seconds)
4. 3x10 hollow-arch kips (with box 2ft in front and in back)
5. 5x10 butterfly CTBPU (with box in front and in back)
6. for time:
100-80-60-40-20 double unders
25-20-15-10-5 ghd sit ups
1. 95, 115, 135, 155, 175, 205
2. 95, 115, 135, 145, 155, 165
3. 9, 9, 9
4. done
5. done
6. 6:51
1. snatch balance and tall snatch each had the same focus -- land in a good, solid position. trying to land with good heel contact with the floor, and in a strong overhead position. some reps were a success, some reps were still lacking.
2. the box exercise with the pull ups was good and tough. some sets were good, using a good, tight kip and making the movement faster. other reps and sets had a weird, non-effective kip because of worry of hitting the boxes.
3. conditioning was good. only goal was to go unbroken on double unders and achieved that without issue. good workout to get the lungs working a bit but also not crushing the body or mind.
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