"Tabata Tuesday"
Tabata OHS, 75/55 lbs.
Rest 1 minute
Tabata GHD Sit-ups
Rest 1 minute
Tabata DB CJ, 50/35 lbs.
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Row Calories
8x 0:20/0:10 each.
OHS: 74 Total reps.
GHD: 67 Total reps.
DB CJ: 64 Total reps.
Row Cals: 66 Total cals.
2 Sets, as a cool down:
0:30 Row @ Easy Effort
0:30 Couch Stretch, per side
0:30 Box Shoulder Stretch
Throwing it back with the classic "tabata" work; man, this got tough. I tried to push each exercise with a consistent effort that got challenging the last 2-3 intervals. Starting to build back up some sort of capacity after a longer marathon focused schedule. Started eating "zone" this week as well, so we will see the impacts of focusing on that & focusing on intensity in a CF sense rather than the volume of it.
Performed pliability after the workout to get some good mobility in.