3 Rounds of: 12 Calorie Row @ Easy Pace
10 Half-Kneeling DB Press, per side
50-ft Walking Lunge, no weight
2 Sets of:
30-second Banded lat stretch, per side
30-second Couch stretch
3 Rounds of:
5 Wall walks
15 Hip Extensions
25 Banded pull-aparts
Strict Press
Warm-up sets: empty barbell/10, 30/8, 40/6, 50/4, 60/2.
Working sets: 5x3, building to a heavy 3-rep. Rest 90-sec between sets.
Split Jerk
Warm-up sets: 30/3, 40/3, 50/2, 60/2, 70/1.
Working sets: 5x1, building to a heavy 1-rep. Rest 90-sec between sets.
6 Rounds of:
20-ft handstand walk
5 Burpees (fast)
5 Strict handstand push-ups (add deficit if possible)
Rest 90-sec between Rounds.
(34, 39, 37, 36, 37, 37)
(set 1 = no deficit, sets 2-6 = 1x 25-lb bumper each side)